The RISE Court Program (Reintegration Into Society Efforts) is a voluntary program that requires a participant to sign a Participant Agreement and comply with the terms of the agreement. The agreement outlines the program and the responsibilities of the parties. It will link a participant with a wide range of social services, including educational and literacy programs; employment and vocational skills training; family counseling; health care and housing services; and mental health, substance abuse, and a cognitive behavioral change program. The RISE Program Team will monitor the participant’s progress and the participant will be involved in the program for at least one year. Initially, each participant will undergo an intense regimen of case management, frequent drug testing, and participation in a cognitive behavioral change program. A designated judicial officer will preside over the program and the participant will attend regularly scheduled RISE Program Court sessions during which they will report on their progress in the program. A participant who fails to abide by the terms of the program faces sanctions, which may range from judicial admonishment to brief periods of imprisonment and/or termination from the program, and the return to traditional supervision. The program is designed to be completed in one year, but may take longer if the participant has problems complying with program requirements.
Rise Court Overview Video (17 Minutes 48 Seconds)
Staff Contact Information:
Christopher Thompson, United States Probation Officer Specialist
Pittsburgh, PA
(412) 482-5004