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Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services

120 Chestnut St.
Port Allegheny, PA 16743
United States

Phone: 814-642-9596


Available Programs: Family Support Services, Mental Health Counseling, Parenting Support, Substance Abuse Services, Teen and Young Adult Services

Information: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (ADAS) provides a range of outpatient and residential treatment programs designed to reduce or eliminate the abuse of alcohol and other drugs within the community. Services include crisis intervention, as-sessment and evaluation; individual, group and family counseling, HIV education, pre- and post-test counseling, and vol-untary testing; TB education, counseling and testing; referrals to other programs when indicated; and outreach to schools and the general community. Specialized programs provide services for pregnant and parenting women, persons who re-quire methadone maintenance and detoxification, adolescents, persons who have been dually diagnosed with substance abuse and mental health problems.