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Salvation Army

44 South Ninth Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
United States

Phone: 412-481-7900


Available Programs: Clothing, Furniture and Thrift Sources, Disability Services and Support, Elderly Services, Emergency and Transitional Housing, Employment Services, Housing Assistance, Mental Health Counseling, Offender Family Supports, Substance Abuse Services, Supplemental Food, Youth and Child Services

Information: Provide for immediate basic needs, (food assistance, thrift store), ongoing rehabilitative service centers, and emergency/disaster services: Counseling/Spiritual Ministry, Family and Casework Services, Medical Assistance, Sheltering, Distri-bution of Basic Commodities, Rehab Services (Fire Service), Referrals to Appropriate Agencies, Youth services, Em-ployment services. This program is affiliated with the Salvation Army, and a person must sign-up with them before participating in Project Bundle-Up. Provides winter outerwear for needy persons under 18 and over 60. Please call the above number to locate your nearest Salvation Army. Housing for persons with various disabilities. Call for services in your area.