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Allegheny County Department of Health & Human Services

1 Smithfield St Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
United States

Phone: 412-350-3837


Available Programs: Childcare After School, Disability Services and Support, Emergency and Transitional Housing, Employment Services, Family Support Services, Health, Medical & Dental Assistance, Housing Assistance, Parenting Support, Rental Assistance, Supplemental Food, Transport and Vehicle Assistance, Utilities Assistance, Youth and Child Services

Information: The DHS Office of Community Services (OCS) provides services, programs and opportunities that enable low-income and vul-nerable individuals and families in Allegheny County to become more self-sufficient. Three major hunger programs provide for the purchase and distribution of food through a network of more than 300 emergency hunger-serving agencies, including food pantries, soup kitchens, afterschool feeding programs and other locations where food is made available to those in need. The housing programs address the needs of the homeless or near homeless through emergency shelters, transitional housing, perma-nent housing, rental assistance and innovative housing services. Services also are provided to link the homeless to all available community resources and offer assistance to public housing residents.